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PUBLIC           Make Symbol Available to All Modules               Directive

  PUBLIC    name,,,

    Makes a label, variable, or absolute symbol available to all modules
    in a program.

       Notes:     Name must be defined within the current source file.

                  If absolute symbols are specified, they can only
                  represent 1 or 2 byte integer or string values.

                  All characters in name are forced into upper-case when
                  writing the object file out.  Use of the switches
                  /ML and /MX can be used to preserve lower-case.

                  Symbols used by symbolic debuggers, such as Symdeb and
                  CodeView, must be declared as PUBLIC.

                  There must be a PUBLIC statement in one of the program
                  source files for each EXTRN symbol declared.

See Also: EXTRN
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson